5. Kidney Stones:
How I hate thee!!! There are no other words to describe my feelings for these things. I will keep it short and sweet. I have lost count, but this last go around was probably #9. Anyways, this is how the story goes: Had surgery, didn't work, paying it off, and now am looking forward to a future, more invasive surgery. BOO!
4. Teachers Pay Teachers:
I have had a store up and running for a while, but I wasn't really invested in it. Thanks to many friends, Bloggy Friends, and FB groups for promoting, promoting, promoting TpT I finally took the dive. It seems silly I know, but I am very frugal with my money and it seemed like a lot to invest in. My fiance and I had agreed that once I had made enough from the "free" account I could reinvest with the full account. Well, long story short I am glad I didn't wait. I made my money back in the first 2 weeks. My store is still small because I have had other things keeping me occupied. It is a work in progress, but well worth the investment. If any of you are debating whether or not to pay the money. I definitely recommend. If you're wondering... No, I am not being paid to say how wonderful TpT is. This is my own opinion and promotion.
3. ITeach Blog:
Even though I have had a slow end to the year, I began my blog a few months ago thanks to my friend, Abby. You guys may know her as The Third Grade Bookworm. She is wonderful and I truly look up to her and admire her love for the teaching profession. Please visit her blog and give her some love! If it wasn't for her my blog or TpT products would not be as successful. Thank you!!

2. An Imaginable Loss
I had a difficult time deciding between these two. Without a doubt, losing Ruby was probably one of the most difficult experiences I have ever had. You see Ruby was very special. She was loved by everyone at my school. Her sassyness, kindness, and love for all will forever stay in our hearts. I had her for two years. I spent many weekends with her, enjoying every moment. My heart was very torn as I watched my students hear the news. It was by far the most difficult day in my teaching career. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I know she's in a better place and welcoming many others with open arms, including those from Sandy Hook.
1. Marriage: End on a positive!
I will keep this short...I am not a mushy person. The reason of my lack in blogging. I am very much a newly wed. Derrick and I were married on December 1st. Best day ever! We are still waiting for photos, but I have left a preview.